Yarp. Because im so bored i'm going to list a bunch of errands i must do tomorrow. Fun! i know.
Post Up in the Air and Holly DVD's to Australian mailbox- FIND AN AVAILABLE COPY OF THE DEATHLY HALLOWS AND BORROW IT
Call Ivy- Op shop for more dresses
- buy exfoliation scrub for body
- buy revelon colourstay foundation and brush
- buy hairties
Go to links- Give damaris back her DVD's and ask for CAS pen
- Go to Centrelink
- Go to telechoice to fix phone ASAP
- Tell mum my retainers broke and sustain 391093293 hours of lecture then call MOG for an appointment
- Buy christmas presents and mum's birthday present
- Trim hair
- Shave legs?
- Get eyebrows waxed
- Contact Merilyn for the 10 bucks
Buy dry food for roksi- Go to Sportgirl and buy shoes
- Get Meastro off Mona
Well......... obviously i won't be tending to all these stuff